Galapagos travel information
The best source for Galapagos travel information comes from Galapagos Islands travellers and locals!
We believe the above statement by the word. Guide books can become obsolete, hotel and vacation information can be biased, trip journals show only what a traveller has done, etc.
An online travel guide updated daily by real travellers, locals and a combination of sources: journals, tour operators, hotel owners and guide books - all being reviewed - by our staff and real travellers.We can offer you the best source of travel information for the Galapagos Islands & Ecuador.
All our eggs are in one basket. Ecuador & Galapagos is our home, we are locals and we are travellers. We love our land and love to help fellow travellers enjoy a safe and fun trip.
This is why we created the, an open content travel guide, where people from all over the world can write about their visit to the Galapagos Islands, visitors can review the hotels they stayed in, the restaurants that have eaten. Every part of the travel guide can be updated and reviewed, just dive in. You can change the info you find, do a write up, review a hotel, rate a commente.
Does this really work?
We are positive. Good info, more up to date than you find in travel books. Check for yourself. And should you find some wrong info, a hotel that has closed down, whatever, don't complain, but act. You can change it. It's up to you.
And together we can make the best travel guide for Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands.