Galapagos travel advisor - Getting here Islands flights

Arrival information

The Galapagos Islands are located in the country of Ecuador in South America. Getting to the islands is quite easy once you have arrived in Ecuador.

In this section we will explain how to get to the Islands from Quito or Guayaquil and just recently from Cuenca. We are assuming you are in Ecuador already. For information on arriving into Ecuador we have created a knowledge base listed at the bottom of this page.

From Quito to the Galapagos Islands:

Most travellers going to the Galapagos Islands use Quito as their departure point. It is the capital city of Ecuador and a very attractive one first in the world to be declared a UNESCO heritage site.

You must arrive in Quito at least one day before your flight to the Islands - there are no direct connections with international flights.

There are 4 daily flights from Quito to the Galapagos Islands, they all leave in the morning.

Flight schedules Quito - Galapagos

Flights arriving at Baltra airport (just across Itabaca channel from Santa Cruz Island, 1 hour away from Puerto Ayora)

    * Departure 7h30 am - Arrival 9h30 am TAME AIRLINES flight 191 (daily)
    * Departure 9h30 am - Arrival 11h30 am TAME AIRLINES flight 193 (daily)

Flights arriving at Puerto Baquerizo Moreno airport on San Cristobal Island.

    * Departure 10h00 am - Arrival 12h00 am TAME AIRLINES flight 195 (Wednesday)
    * Departure 7h30 am - Arrival 10h45 am  TAME AIRLINES flight 191 (Friday) - additional stop in Baltra before arrival in Puerto Baquerizo

Return flights 

Flights departing Baltra airport

    * Departure 12h15 pm - Arrival 16h15 pm TAME AIRLINES flight 192 (daily)
    * Departure 10h15 am - Arrival 14h15 pm TAME AIRLINES flight 190 (daily except Friday)
    * Departure 10h15 am - Arrival 15h30 pm TAME AIRLINES flight 190 (Friday)

Flights departing Puerto Baquerizo Moreno airport

    * Departure 12h45 pm - Arrival 16h45 pm TAME AIRLINES flight 194 (Wednesday)
    * Departure 11h30 pm - Arrival 15h30 pm TAME AIRLINES flight 190 (Friday)

Flight prices & other details

The roundtrip airfare for a flight from Quito to the Galapagos Islands has several prices, depending if you are a resident of the Islands, an Ecuadorian citizen, a citizen of the Andean pact or a foreigner.

    * Residents of the Galapagos Islands $112
    * Citizens of Ecuador $220
    * Citizens from the Andean pact $280
    * Foreign citizens low season (May 1st - June 14th, September 15th - October 31st) $335
    * Foreign citizens high season (June 15 - September 14th, November 01 - April 30th) $391

It is also important to take note that all Galapagos flights departing & arriving from/in Quito make a stop in Guayaquil. If you are on a budget or just want to visit Galapagos and are not interested in Quito, it is cheaper to fly in and out of Guayaquil.

From Guayaquil to the Galapagos Islands:

Budget travellers going to the Galapagos Islands use Guayaquil as their departure point. It is the main port of Ecuador and the gateway to the beaches. It is also cheaper to fly to Galapagos from Guayaquil and a 1/2 hour shorter.

You must arrive in Guayaquil at least one day before your flight to the Islands - there are no direct connections with international flights.

There are 4 daily flights from Guayaquil to the Galapagos Islands, they all leave in the morning.

There is also an option to go by boat from Guayaquil to the Galapagos Islands, yet it is not cheaper nor recommended, we list the details below.

Flight schedules Guayaquil - Galapagos

Flights arriving at Baltra airport (just across Itabaca channel from Santa Cruz Island, 1 hour away from Puerto Ayora)

    * Departure 9h00 am - Arrival 9h30 am TAME AIRLINES flight 191 (daily)
    * Departure 11h00 am - Arrival 11h30 am TAME AIRLINES flight 193 (daily)

Flights arriving at Puerto Baquerizo Moreno airport on San Cristobal Island.

    * Departure 11h30 am - Arrival 12h00 am TAME AIRLINES flight 195 (Wednesday)
    * Departure 9h00 am - Arrival 10h45 am  TAME AIRLINES flight 191 (Friday) - additional stop in Baltra before arrival in Puerto Baquerizo

Return flights 

Flights departing Baltra airport

    * Departure 12h15 pm - Arrival 14h45 pm TAME AIRLINES flight 192 (daily)
    * Departure 10h15 am - Arrival 14h00 pm TAME AIRLINES flight 190 (Friday)

Flights departing Puerto Baquerizo Moreno airport

    * Departure 12h45 pm - Arrival 15h15 pm TAME AIRLINES flight 194 (Wednesday)
    * Departure 11h30 pm - Arrival 14h00 pm TAME AIRLINES flight 190 (Friday)

Flight prices & other details

The roundtrip airfare for a flight from Guayaquil to the Galapagos Islands has several prices, depending if you are a resident of the Islands, an Ecuadorian citizen, a citizen of the Andean pact or a foreigner.

    * Residents of the Galapagos Islands $94
    * Citizens of Ecuador $180
    * Citizens from the Andean pact $280
    * Foreign citizens low season (May 1st - June 14th, September 15th - October 31st) $301
    * Foreign citizens high season (June 15 - September 14th, November 01 - April 30th) $346

It is important to take not that Galapagos are 1 hour behind continental time in Ecuador, therefore when flying to the Islands you arrive an hour early and when returning you arrive an hour late. The flight time from Quito is 2 hours and from Guayaquil 1 & 1/2 hours.

Boat and Cargo ships from Guayaquil to Galapagos

This is not a cheaper option and you must be prepared to be 3 and a 1/2 days at open sea. If you are lucky you will get a bunk in a cabin, otherwise you must take your own sleeping bag or hammock.

The main purpose for these ships is cargo, therefore the conditions are basic yet bearable. Cargo Ships leave Guayaquil from Muelle Naval Sur (South Navy Pier) every few weeks (you should inquire on the schedules at the Pier), the price for the oneway trip is $150 aprox.

These ships leave cargo at the populated Islands, you can stay onboard for a week paying $50 a day. These boats do not visit any wildlife sites and there are no guides on board.

Ask to see the boat before you make any payments. Contact info:

Marina 91 - Phone +593 4 2397370

Virgen de Monserrat - Phone + 593 4 2296785

From Cuenca to the Galapagos Islands:

Cuenca is a beautiful city and a UNESCO heritage site well worth paying a visit. It is possible to make a connection flight from Cuenca to the Galapagos Islands.

You must arrive in Cuenca at least one day before your flight to the Islands - there are no direct connections and no international flights, plus the only way to get to Cuenca is though Quito or Guayaquil. The best way is a scenic tour from Quito across the Andes.

Flight schedules Cuenca - Galapagos

All flights departing from Cuenca to the Galapagos Islands make a stop in Guayaquil and change plains.

Flights arriving at Baltra airport (just across Itabaca channel from Santa Cruz Island, 1 hour away from Puerto Ayora)

    * Departure From Cuenca 8h00 am arrival in Guayaquil 8h30 am TAME AIRLINES flight 170. Connexion with flight 193 TAME AIRLINES leaving Guayaquil at 11h00 am arriving in Galapagos 11h30 am. (Daily except on Sunday)

Flights arriving at Puerto Baquerizo Moreno airport

    * Departure From Cuenca 8h00 am arrival in Guayaquil 8h30 am TAME AIRLINES flight 170. Connexion with flight 195 TAME AIRLINES leaving Guayaquil at 11h30 am arriving in Galapagos 12h00 pm. (Wednesday)

Flight prices & other details

The roundtrip airfare for a flight from Cuenca to the Galapagos Islands (returning to Guayaquil) has several prices, depending if you are a resident of the Islands, an Ecuadorian citizen, a citizen of the Andean pact or a foreigner.

    * Residents of the Galapagos Islands $136
    * Citizens of Ecuador $222
    * Citizens from the Andean pact $322
    * Foreign citizens low season (May 1st - June 14th, September 15th - October 31st) $343
    * Foreign citizens high season (June 15 - September 14th, November 01 - April 30th) $388