Overnight, we navigate northbound to the incredible bird haven on Genovesa Island, crossing the equator on the way. The morning starts with a panga ride along the cliffs of this dramatic island, followed by a dry landing with a steep climb (90 feet) up some stairs to reach a flat plateau. Along our walk, we can observe large colonies of Nazca boobies, red-footed boobies, great frigatebirds and storm petrels. Coastal exploration along the cliffs (depending on weather conditions) will let us see more wildlife, including Galapagos fur seals. We can also enjoy snorkelling and kayaking.
In the afternoon, we land at Darwin Bay, its beach has an easy stroll observing hundreds of birds, mainly frigatebirds, red-footed and Nazca boobies, gulls, herons, finches and mockingbirds. There’s an optional walk over sharp lava and uneven terrain for dramatic views, or else we can return to the beach to enjoy snorkelling at this beautiful natural harbour.